Perry Vermeulen

I am the author of two books and many articles about the assassination of JFK. The books are published in The Netherlands in 2008 and 2012. I wrote a lot about this subject; I decided to built this website in 2023 to accommodate all those different stories. I will continue to produce new articles on the case.
I was born in The Netherlands in 1982. At the beginning of this century, I became fascinated by the most notorious murder case in our recent history, that of JFK in November 1963. I was an intern at the Dutch TV program Barend en Van Dorp (photo below, Election Day 2004) and met people there with whom I engaged in conversations about the case. I was still a student and had a lot of free time. Before I knew it, I was spending half the week digging into archives, emailing experts, and reading the vast number of books that had already been published. What interested me was an episode in the life of the alleged assassin that had hardly been explored – his weekend in Rotterdam in June 1962, right after his departure from Russia. Lee Harvey Oswald was in our own port city, and there were still many question marks. I delved into it, and in October 2008, my first book was published. I was able to shed a lot of light through the preceding research, although there are still unanswered questions. The book received a lot of media attention. What I have also been doing a lot since the publication is speaking to groups about the assassination and its aftermath. With a lot of enthusiasm, interaction, and some humor as well.
Since those years you can say I’m an expert in everything that has to do with the remarkable returning trip that Lee Harvey Oswald made from Minsk to Dallas, by train and boat, in June 1962. Ask me anything about the train journey, his stay in Rotterdam, the boat trip to New York, his writings those days and so on.
I continued to write extensively about it online on various websites and forums. As the fiftieth ‘anniversary’ of the murder approached, I had the opportunity to publish a second book. A book containing all the theories, from very plausible to some bizarre ones. The book was released in the fall of 2012. Again, I had no shortage of media attention; many programs naturally focused on the murder exactly fifty years later. Publicity also followed later when Trump opened the vault with JFK files in late 2017. And so, the case continues to live on constantly; it is never quiet. Interestingly, I receive emails every week with questions or theories, and the number of emails from young people is rising. Even current students want to know everything.
My wife and I have been to America about ten times, having visited more than 35 states. In September 2013, we were in Dallas and Fort Worth, where we visited all the relevant places. We have also been to New Orleans twice, the JFK Museum in Boston, his grave in Washington DC, and so on. All the stories will be on this site: adventures, encounters and so on.
My texts wander on many different online platforms, and many stories are still in my head. I have written a lot about the JFK assassination, and I will continue to write about it. From now on, on this website.